Here we are again with our weekly Digital Marketing updates.

What’s in for you this week? 


New Study Reveals That Less Than 15% of Websites Are Optimized To Pass A Core Web Vitals Assessment

Google Suffers A Glitch Which Hurts Search Quality

Google Organizing The Inaugural Virtual Conference On August 26th

Google Includes Flight, And Hotel Search Features Related To COVID-19

Google Rich Results Test Tool Now Offers Support For Article Structured Data

Google My Business Lets Restaurant Menus On Local Listings To Be Managed By An External Service

Moz Spam Score Doesn’t Influence Your Google Rankings

Google Supports Various Structured Data Formats Like BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, and SVG


Google Simplifies The Control of Shopping Ads By Country

Enjoy getting up to date with what’s happening in our industry. 

#digitalmarketing: Data From The Latest Study Confirms That Less 15% of Websites Are Properly Optimized To Pass A Core Web Vitals Assessment

Only a small percentage of websites can pass a Core Web Vitals assessment inside PageSpeed Insights, as per a new study. Screaming Frog analyzed 2,500 keywords and 20,000 URLs to reveal that 12% of mobile and 13% of desktop results passed the assessment. There are some benchmarks associated with each of Core Web Vitals. These include Largest Contentful Paint(LCP), First Input Delay(FID) and Cumulative Layout Shift(CLS).

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#digitalmarketing: Google’s Search Algorithm Experienced A Major Glitch That Hurt Search Results

Google recently suffered a technical issue which hurt search results. Many individuals from the search community considered this an update. Google’s John Mueller tweeted that he didn’t have all the details, but it seemed like a glitch which was fixed later. Google uses a crawling and indexing system known as Caffeine that enables it to process data more quickly. According to Google Webmaster Trends Analyst Gary Illyes, the glitch seems to be linked to this indexing system or something similar.

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#digitalmarketing: Google To Organize A Virtual Conference For The First Time On August 26

After several weeks of testing, Google has launched new flight and hotel search related features to help people traveling during the pandemic. Google stated that the updates were significant as the pandemic’s impact might vary across destinations, and it is essential to stay updated on the latest travel-related details for places one wants to visit.

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#digitalmarketing: Google Search Includes New Flight, And Hotel Search Features Related To COVID-19

After several weeks of testing, Google has launched new flight and hotel search related features to help people traveling during the pandemic. Google stated that the updates were significant as the pandemic’s impact might vary across destinations and it is essential to stay updated on the latest travel-related details for places one wants to visit.

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#digitalmarketing: Now Google Rich Results Tool Includes Support For Article Structured Data

Google has announced that rich results test tool will support article structured data from now on. Recently, Google took rich result test out of beta and state that it will reject the older structured data testing tool. Google, therefore is adding new features to its rich result testing tool. So, now it will support data markup for your articles, news and blog.

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#digitalmarketing: Google My Business Now Lets Menus In Local Listings To Be Managed By An External Service

It seems that Google My Business is launching a new feature that enables business owners, especially restaurants, to know that an external service provider manages their menus shown on their local listings. Google is letting businesses know that an external service manages the menu information. Businesses can manage their menu with Google instead of using an external service.

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#digitalmarketing: Moz Spam Score Will Not Influence Your Rankings In Any Way

Google’s John Mueller has confirmed that Google doesn’t utilize DA, a Moz metric. Neither do they use the spam score metric from DA. Google utilizes its own ranking factors, signals and signals instead of using metrics of Moz for its rankings. John confirmed on Twitter that Moz spam score has no effect on backlinks and are not used by Google. They do not usually use a spam score for rankings.

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#digitalmarketing: Google Launches New Update To Support Structured Data Formats Like BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, WebP And SVG

Google has updated its Google Image best practices for specifying images referred in structured data must be in one of the file format supported by Google Images. These include BMP, JPEG, GIF, WebP and SVG. Google supports structured data all image formats that are supported by Google Images like GIF, BMP, JPEG, WebP, PNG and SVG. Gary Illyes from Google mentioned that it took some time to confirm the exact image types that were supported.

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#PPC: Google’s New Attribute Enables The Exclusion of Products At The Country Level

In case your Google product feeds are set to display products across numerous countries, there is a new feed field that offers more flexibility. You can utilize the shopping_ads_excluded_country attribute to prevent products from showing in specific countries that you are targeting, Google recently announced. The new attribute will reverse the country targeting that has been set at the feed level.

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Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.