Weekly Digital Marketing News Round-Up 29th May

Here we are again with our weekly Digital Marketing news.
What’s in for you this week:

  • #Onlineshopping

Facebook Marketplace is open for businesses selling new products

  • #digitalmarketing

Google Search Console Updated With Core Web Vitals
Evaluating page experience for a better web
Google Rolls Out 3 New Attributes For GMB Listings
Google is coming for Facebook budgets with Discovery ads, now available globally

  • #supportsmallbusinesses

Google’s new tools help businesses during COVID-19

  • #insights

Google explains why it rewrites meta descriptions

Enjoy getting up to date with what’s happening in our industry. 🤓

#onlineshopping: Facebook Marketplace is open for businesses selling new products

If you are own or run a B2C business, warm up to start using Facebook marketplace and make more sales.

The good news is that the platform, which was known to be a C2C platform where individuals would post items for local to buy, is now presenting a lucrative opportunity for B2C businesses.

Facebook has added features like checkout and shipping features. If you are a US-based business selling new products, setting shop on the Facebook marketplace will come with many advantages including low selling fees.

What are the other benefits of getting on the Facebook marketplace?

Find out more>>>

#digitalmarketing: Google Search Console Updated With Core Web Vitals

Is user experience one of your top of your “most important factors” when you are designing your website? On its latest move, Google has shown that it values user experience much more than you think.

The company replaced its old “Speed report,” a measure of customer experience through page load speed, with the new and more comprehensive “Core Web Vitals.”

Core Web Vitals provides site owners with metrics other than page speed, to measure customer experience. These additional metrics include visual stability and site interactivity.

Want to learn more about what Google has in its new metric and how to better your website’s user experience?

Find out more >>>

#digitalmarketing: Google Rolls Out 3 New Attributes For GMB Listings

COVID-19 is here with us, and the new move by Google couldn’t be timelier.

Google has added 3 more attributes to its Google My Business Listing which enables restaurants to give their potential customers safer options for using their services. The 3 additions are: curbside pickup, no contact delivery, and dine in.
If you own a restaurant find out more on how to add these new features to your Google My Business so that you can move with the times!

Find out more>>>

#digitalmarketing: Google is coming for Facebook budgets with Discovery ads, now available globally

Yes, it is Google—again! This time round, the company has decided to rival Facebook’s discovery tool in a bid to hit a total audience of about 2.9 million (the same audience Facebook reported from its combined apps) from its discovery campaign.

Google introduced its discovery ads last year, a set of image-driven ads, which it made available to advertisers globally. The campaign was only available on Discover Feed with 0.8 million users, but now it plans to roll it out on YouTube and Gmail.

Should you jump into Google Discover ads as a social marketer? How can you go about it?

Find out more>>>

#digitalmarketing: Evaluating page experience for a better web

Research has proven that more than anything, web users value a good user experience. If you wish to rank better, you need to have user experience at the top of your mind.

The battle to please users began with mobile-friendliness and page load speed, and now comes the new Core Web Vitals.

These updates will include a bunch of page experience metrics that will determine how your site ranks.

Thankfully, Google is kind enough to give your business a “COVID-19” break, as it plans to implement these changes in the coming year. Heck, it will even give a six-month notice!

Find out more>>>

#supportsmallbusinesses: Google’s new tools help businesses during COVID-19

Times are tough for most businesses thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Paying rent, employees, and covering other fixed costs are big itches for businesses right now as they struggle to break even.

Local businesses need help and support from communities and from the 7005 increase in the search for “how to help small businesses” on Google, it is clear that people are willing to help.

If you are among the people who would like to donate or buy a gift card to help your favorite business survive, Google has provided an option for you to do that, right on its search engine.

Find out more>>>

#insights: Google Explains Why it Rewrites Meta Descriptions

Did you know that Google can rewrite your meta description?

One publisher had such an experience where their home page meta description didn’t match what was appearing in the SERPS. Meta descriptions are crucial to business traffic, so you will probably not be too happy if Google messes that up for you.

So, why does it do it?
Google’s John Mueller had some interesting insights on that. First, he said that some of these descriptions are “poor” stuffed with keywords that do not look useful to users, so Google decided to rewrite them.
Want to find out more on why Google may edit your meta descriptions?

Find out more>>>


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.