Here we are again with our weekly Digital Marketing updates.

What’s in for you this week? 


Google Confirms That 15% of Search Queries Are New

Google Officially Releases ‘licensable’ Image Label And Filter For Image Search

Google My Business Now Shows Displays Labels On Maps Desktop

Google Declares Home Activities Rich Results

New Study Reveals Major Factors Affecting Voice Search Results For Local Businesses In 2020


Now Google Ads Will Start Hiding Some Data Related To Search Query

Google Ads Tax Increases By 2% In UK And By 5% In Austria And Turkey

Google Ads Will Now Limit Search Terms Reporting, Citing Privacy

Microsoft Ads Launches Redesign of Management Interface


LinkedIn Allows Page Owners To View, Sort And Learn More About Followers

Study Reveals That Instagram Carousels Are The Most Engaging Type of Posts

Twitter Will Add Automated Captions To Audio And Video Soon

LinkedIn Adds 3 New Features To Company Pages

Enjoy getting up to date with what’s happening in our industry. 

 #digital marketing: 15% of Search Queries Done On Google Are New, No Visible Change Here

In 2007, 25% of all queries done by searchers on Google were new. The number of new questions reduced to 15% in 2013 and has remained intact, according to Google till now. Google had reconfirmed this figure in 2017 and 2018 also. Danny Sullivan of Google confirmed on Twitter that this stat is correct and therefore, they continue to cite it. 

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#digitalmarketing: Google Releases ‘Licensable’ Image Label And Filter For Image Search

Google’s ‘’licensable’’ badge in Image results is now available on beta. Google has also made changes to the ‘’Usage rights’’ search filter to allow users to search for filters for images that have creative common or other licenses for addressing concerns related to the free use of digital images. 

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#digitalmarketing: Google Displays Google My Business Attribute Labels On Google Maps Desktop Listings 

Google is now displaying Google My Business attribute labels on Google Maps desktop listings. Earlier, they were shown in mobile results by Google. But now, they are also visible on the Google Maps desktop panel for local listings when you come across them on Google Maps. It was first seen by Stefan Somborac who posted it on Twitter. So, once you add the attributes, i.e. veteran-led, black-owned, women-led, LGBTQ-friendly attributes, you will e able to view these icons on the desktop listing.

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#digitalmarketing: Google Declares A New Home Activities Rich Results

Google has recently announced a new Rich Result that matches to home activity events. Home Activities rich results match with online events. Google will show Home Activities rich results when a suitable search query triggers it. At present, the new results are limited to fitness-related searches only. They are only available on mobile devices. To be eligible for home activities, sites need to add Event or Video structured data.

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#digitalmarketing: New Study Reveals The Factors That Are Impacting Search Results For Small Businesses In 2020

Since 58% of voice search users utilize it for running local business queries, a new study focuses on the factors that impact the ranking of the results. In 2019, SEMRush published a follow up of study on voice search ranking factors, with the main focus on local business searches. The main aim of the study is to provide insights on algorithms behind different voice assistants like Apple’s Siri, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

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#PPC: Google Ads To Limit Search Terms On Grounds of Privacy

Google has started altering advertisers that it is soon going to stop showing search queries which triggered their ads if there is no important data. The impact of this change and how it will affect the budget and campaigns of advertisers will to a great extent depend on what Google considers as ‘’significant.’’ At present, it is common to come across search terms with a single impression or click on search term reporting. But once the change takes place, this won’t be possible any longer. 

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#PPC: Google Ads Tax Rise By 2% In UK And 5% In Austria And Turkey

Google has sent emails to advertisers on recently that they will start charging more for ads they serve in the UK, Austria and Turkey for covering taxes. Google will raise the price of Google Ads by 2% in the UK and 5% in Austria as well as Turkey to cover costs of digital marketing services taxes in Europe. The increase in taxes will be applicable from November 2020.

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#PPC: Microsoft Ads Launches Redesign of Management Interface

Microsoft Ads is releasing a redesign of its interface, 10 months after being in open preview. It will be visible in accounts for the time being and will streamline tools, views and views into a recognizable layout. Customizable tiles in the dashboard allow managers to assemble views that are useful for them to view how they are performing against their goals quickly. Quick insights across accounts are visible in four tiles-Performance, Top changes: Accounts, Accounts and Devices. 

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#socialmedia: LinkedIn Enables Page Owners To View, Categorize And Learn More About Their Followers

LinkedIn has launched new features for Pages Wednesday to assist businesses to promote their events, know more about their followers and enable communication among employees directly on this platform. These updates include the new ‘’My Company’’ Tab, ‘’Events’’ tab and the ability to ‘’View Page Followers.’’

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#socialmedia: Study Reveals That Instagram Carousels Are The Most Engaging Type of Posts

A study of more than 22 million Instagram posts found that carousels are the posts that generate the most engagement. Out of the 22 million Instagram posts that were examined by Socialinsider, almost 3 million were carousels. Apart from finding that carousals generate the most engagement, the study breaks down what is common among top-performing carousel posts. 

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#socialmedia: LinkedIn’s Company Pages Now Have 3 New Added Features

LinkedIn is including new features to company pages for addressing challenges caused by COVID-19 and the consequent shift towards remote working. As per a study cited by LinkedIn, people all over the world are feeling less connected to each other. The new features are being included to LinkedIn pages for strengthening connections between companies and their communities. These updates have been designed to help page admins to connect their employees, highlight the upcoming events and acquire insight about their followers. 

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#socialmedia: Twitter To Include Automated Captions To Audio And Video 

In an attempt to make it a more accessible platform. Twitter is developing added automated captions for audio and video. The company announced that it recently became aware that it was falling short of being inclusive for the disabled community. Automated captions will be included in audio and video by the early part of next year. Twitter has stated that they have started working on the feature though there is still a lot of work to be done.

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Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.