We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week you need to know:

Search Related News and Updates from Major Search Engines

Google Developer Talks About DevTools for SEO Troubleshooting

For web developers wanting to get the most out of their website’s SEO, Google Chrome DevTools and Google Search Console are crucial tools. Recently, Google Developer Advocate Martin Splitt provided step-by-step instructions on using DevTools for troubleshooting SEO issues, from the Mobile-Friendly Test to the Network Tab and everything in between. Using these powerful tools, developers can get an in-depth look at how site visitors are experiencing their website and identify issues that need rectification quickly.

Google Talks About AI-Generated Content

With the ever-increasing prevalence of AI and automated software in content creation, it’s important to remember that Google prioritizes high-quality content over all else. Google advises publishers to produce content that meets their strict criteria for excellence: expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). While automation is useful in helping to get a leg up on search engine rankings, any attempts to directly manipulate rankings by using AI strictly may violate Google’s spam policies.

Google’s AI-Powered Features for Google Lens and Multisearch 

Google has been utilizing artificial intelligence to improve its search features further, ensuring users have the best experience searching for what they need. The popular Google Lens and the new multi-search feature are two of the latest updates developed by Google. With these tools, users can now efficiently perform searches by using both images and text simultaneously while being able to search directly from their mobile devices with Google Lens. These tools have made it easier to quickly find what you’re looking for, allowing users to do more in less time.

Microsoft Bing & ChatGPT 5 New Possible Features

Microsoft has been working hard to revamp its Bing search engine, and the rumors of a new version powered by ChatGPT have got everyone talking. People are eager to know what features this new version will have. A few days ago, a sneak peek into the upcoming Bing was revealed, showing off five possible features it could launch with. This will allow conversations with search results and AI-generated replies that make the journey from query to result much more natural and intuitive. If ChatGPT is integrated into Bing’s next iteration, it has the potential to offer much more personalized answers for users. With accurate results on demand, marketers will find an entirely new way of targeting customers through search engine optimization strategies that factor in the platform’s conversational approach.

Google Maps New Features to Provide More Interactivity 

Google Maps is revolutionizing the navigation experience with its innovative AI-powered features. From Immersive View, which allows users to explore locations virtually, to Live View, where users can navigate their surroundings with a detailed graphical overlay, Google Maps makes navigating easier. The various AI-powered features of Google Maps allow users to make the most informed decisions and reach their destinations seamlessly. The updates for EV drivers further signify Google’s commitment to sustainability, making it quicker and easier for users to go green.

Google’s New Updates for Structured Data Guidance 

To further advance their search engine. Google recently updated its structured data guidance to explain better all three accepted structured data formats and why they recommend JSON-LD over the others. This guidance update is important to ensure smooth use for marketers who want to prevent potential issues with their structured data markup and reach desired audiences more efficiently. Ultimately, having all three formats as accepted forms leads to maximum optimization, so it should be seen as a positive move from Google.

Google’s Shows Hotel Search Results Carousel At Top 

Google is constantly striving to simplify the search experience by using new technologies. Google Search recently updated its search results for hotels, including a carousel at the top. This feature allows users to scroll through multiple hotels from the same brand and choose one that fits their needs. The carousel layout provides an easier-to-read display with an overview of room types and amenities without opening another page or tab. With this addition, Google eliminates having to scroll through a list view and simplifies the process of narrowing down hotel choices.

Microsoft Bing Updated Webmaster Guidelines 

Microsoft recently announced some exciting updates for the Bing Webmaster Guidelines. These changes are designed to better support the new Co-Pilot, AI, and ChatGPT-powered version of Bing. Now, when searching for answers on Bing, you can select a Conversation Mode instead of just a keyword search. Additionally, users can create unique photos using the new Bing Image Creator feature instead of being limited to existing images. The new guidelines represent a real leap forward in technology and make using Bing easier and more efficient.

Google Search Launches Its ChatGPT Bard

Google has been working on its latest and greatest tool, Bard. It is a new development in AI-driven search products that they will launch to the public in the coming weeks. Described as a “natural language technology,” it allows users to converse with artificial intelligence directly through Google search or other products. With this advancement, users can easily get answers to simple and complex questions. By understanding contextual meanings and the user’s intent, Bard provides tailored results in real-time. Soon people will be able to interact and get personalized recommendations within seconds. This tool will undoubtedly take AI-powered searching and assistant capabilities to an entirely new level in the near future.

PPC Related News and Updates From Major Search Engines

Microsoft Advertising’s New Audience Segment for Valentine’s Day

Microsoft Advertising’s recent push to upgrade its platform has been a boon for its users. With automated bidding and last-touch attribution, advertisers have more control over their campaigns’ effectiveness. Additionally, the new in-market audience segments offer a unique way to target ideal customers and maximize conversions just in time for Valentine’s Day. The enhancement of Microsoft Advertising’s conversion tracking features allows marketers to keep detailed records of their campaigns, making further adjustments as needed and ensuring they see the desired results.

Google Merchant Center View Products Search Dashboard

Google’s latest ability to show Merchant Center summaries in search engine results is a game-changing innovation for business owners. It allows them to quickly ascertain their Google Business Profile status and the performance of their profile, all from one easy spot, saving time and hassle from having to look up those stats separately. This feature is reminiscent of the Google Search Console dashboard, offering business owners a convenient, straightforward way to achieve insight into their performance in just one glance. This ability within reach cuts down the time spent navigating various metrics and data, freeing them to focus more on refining their strategies. Indeed, Google’s Merchant Center is a beneficial asset for businesses looking to make the most out of their online presence


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.