We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week you need to know:

Search Related News and Updates from Major Search Engines

Google Chrome Team Shares Optimizing Tips for Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are three key metrics that measure loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability and are considered crucial for providing a positive user experience. Google uses these metrics to rank websites in its search results. Google has released an updated set of guidelines for optimizing Core Web Vitals to help website owners prioritize their efforts when time is limited. In the past, Google has provided numerous recommendations for improving Core Web Vitals scores. Still, recognizing that it may be overwhelming for some website owners to implement all of them, the company has now revised its list of suggestions to help those with limited time and experience in website performance optimization to make the most impact.

John Mueller of Google Recommends Moving JavaScript Below HTML Headers

To ensure that search engines can effectively crawl and understand your website, it’s crucial to position JavaScript code below the HTML header tag. Having JavaScript code in the wrong location, such as at the top of the page, can negatively affect your SEO efforts. To further aid search crawlers, it’s also recommended to keep the <head> section of your website clean and well-organized.

Google Explains the Timeframe for Recovering from an Algorithmic Penalty

During one of its SEO office-hours sessions, Google recently addressed the question of recovery time from an algorithmic penalty, typically caused by issues with content quality. However, it is worth noting that the new office-hours format does not permit follow-up questions, which may lead to less informative and nuanced answers compared to the previous design, where Google representatives had the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.

Google Reinforces Guidelines on AI-Generated Content Following Attention on Bankrate AI Content Writer

Recently, Bankrate has received significant attention in the SEO industry for its use of AI-generated content and transparency. In response, Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, has clarified the company’s guidelines on AI-written content. This came to light when Twitter user Tony Hill shared an example of Bankrate’s AI-generated content, which was viewed by almost 80,000 people and retweeted nearly 100 times. Hill commented that this represented a “big moment in web publishing and SEO.”

Google Suggests Linking to Multiple Providers in Product Reviews Could Result in a Minor Ranking Increase

In its fifth release of the product reviews update, Google clarified that linking to multiple sellers is now part of its algorithm. This aligns with Google’s previous guidance on the product reviews update, which advices to “include links to multiple sellers to give the reader the option to purchase from their merchant of choice.” Alan Kent, a representative from Google, stated on Twitter that when all other factors are equal, “linking to multiple providers might get a small boost.”

Google Business Profile’s Deprecation of Products Price Ranges & Custom Call-to-Actions

Starting February 15, 2023, Google Business Profiles will no longer support the display of price ranges for products or using custom call-to-action buttons. Any existing price ranges will be removed, and all product landing pages will feature a “Visit site” label. Google has announced this change in a notice on Google Business Profiles, stating that “price ranges and specifying a custom call to action will no longer be supported from February 15, 2023.”

Social Media News and Updates from Major Search Engines

Understanding YouTube’s Updated Partner Program Terms

YouTube is introducing updated terms for monetized channels. Creators who wish to participate in the YouTube Partner Program must accept the new terms by July 10th. Additionally, creators who buy the new terms will be able to monetize their YouTube Shorts videos starting February 1st. Creators need to review and understand these changes to continue earning revenue on the platform.

PPC News and Updates from Major Search Engines

Microsoft Unveils Store Ads and Additional Upgrades

Microsoft has released its latest set of updates for its advertising products, introducing Microsoft Store Ads on desktop devices as a key feature. Other updates include an expansion of In-Market Audiences and an update to Responsive Search Ads.

Apple’s Ad Network Offers Marketers a New Chance

Apple’s ad network is creating a buzz in the industry. While the company has traditionally been known for its consumer products, it is now focusing more on its services category, which includes search ads on the App Store. Services have become the second-highest revenue generator for Apple, and this post delves into how this came about and its implications for marketers.

Google Local Service Ads Now Available for Dentists

Google has added a new vertical to its Local Service Ads, allowing dental practices and dentists in the United States to buy ads on the platform. This new addition includes a wide range of dental services such as bad breath treatment, cavities filling, teeth cleaning, and more. Currently, this vertical is only available in the United States and not other countries. Matt Casady spotted the move and highlighted that Google Local Service Ads are available in 11 countries.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.