We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week that you need to know:

Search Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

Google Now Supports More Organization Meta-Structured Data

Google now supports more organization-structured data fields such as address and contact information. This is a significant development as it allows Google to display more detailed information about entities in their knowledge panels and search results. Companies can now use future search features by adding organization markup to their websites. This expansion of support for organization-structured data markup is great news for businesses, as it enables them to provide additional details about themselves in search results. This will ultimately enhance their online presence and make it easier for users to find and engage with them.

What Google’s John Mueller Answers On Fixing 404 Errors From Inbound Links? 

In a recent response on Reddit, Google’s John Mueller provided insights on identifying and addressing broken inbound links. Mueller suggests that website owners can analyze the analytics of their 404 page to determine which broken links are relevant and receive traffic. By filtering out one’s domain, the focus is on links that generate traffic, which can be considered a reliable indicator. For those with access to server logs, a more detailed analysis can be conducted to identify the specific broken links that search engine bots crawl. While this may require some technical work, Mueller emphasizes that no external tools are needed.

Google Announces Support for New Structured Data Markup for Forums and Profiles

Google announced its support for a new structured data markup for forums and profiles to improve search visibility. This markup will allow forum owners and website administrators to provide more detailed information about their forums and profiles to search engines, making it easier for users to find relevant content. By implementing this structured data markup, website owners can enhance the visibility of their forums and profiles in Google search results, ultimately driving more organic traffic to their websites.

Google Removes Crawl Rate Limiter Tool From Search Console

The Googlebot Crawl Rate Limiter Tool, a feature in the search console, is set to be removed shortly. Google has made this decision because they believe the tool is no longer necessary. The Crawl Rate Limiter Tool was introduced to allow web admins to slow down the rate at which Googlebot crawls their websites. However, Google has stated that they have significantly improved their crawling system over the years, rendering the tool obsolete. This move reflects Google’s continuous efforts to optimize and streamline its search console tools and features.

Google Core Update Finished Rolling Out for November 2023

Google completed the roll-out of its November core update for 2023. This core update is an important event for website owners and SEO professionals, as it can significantly impact search rankings and website traffic. These updates aim to improve search results’ overall quality and relevance for users. While Google does not disclose specific details about the changes made in each update, website owners are advised to regularly monitor their website’s performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure compliance with Google’s guidelines. Completing this update marks another step in Google’s ongoing efforts to provide users with the most accurate and useful search results.

Social Media Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

LinkedIn Announces a New Content Review Framework

LinkedIn unveiled a groundbreaking content moderation framework that has the potential to revolutionize the way online platforms handle policy violations. By optimizing moderation queues, this new technology has successfully reduced the time it takes to identify and address policy violations by an impressive 60%. This significant advancement in content moderation indicates LinkedIn’s commitment to ensuring a safe and respectful online environment for its users. As this technology continues to evolve and become more widely available, it has the potential to shape the future of content moderation on various online platforms. The increased efficiency and effectiveness offered by this framework could be instrumental in combating harmful and inappropriate content across the internet.

PPC Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

Google Adds New Impression Metrics for Advertisers Using the Google Local Service Ads Platform

Google introduced new impression metrics for advertisers who utilize the Google Local Service Ads platform. These metrics include ad impressions, top impression rate on Search, and absolute maximum impression rate on Search. Ad impressions refer to the number of times an ad is shown to users. The top impression rate on Search measures the percentage of ad impressions that appear as the first result on the search page. On the other hand, the absolute maximum impression rate on Search indicates the percentage of ad impressions displayed as the first result above all organic search results. These new metrics give advertisers more detailed insights into their ads’ performance and can help them optimize their campaigns for better visibility and engagement.

Google New Updates for E-Juice Products In Ads & Shopping Listings 

Google recently made an important update to its dangerous product policy regarding E-juice products. The products can no longer be advertised or listed in Google Shopping results. This applies to both paid shopping ads and free listings on the platform. This policy change reflects Google’s commitment to user safety and ensuring that potentially harmful products are not promoted through its advertising channels. By prohibiting the advertisement of E-juice products, Google aims to protect its users from potential risks associated with the items.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.