We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week that you need to know:

Search Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

What Google’s John Mueller Says About Technical SEO?

Google’s John Mueller emphasized that technical SEO is not losing its importance. It remains a crucial foundation for everything built on the open web. Technical SEO optimizes website infrastructure, code, and server settings to ensure search engines can effectively crawl and index a site. Despite the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, technical SEO remains relevant and necessary for achieving online visibility and organic traffic. It enables search engines to understand and rank websites appropriately, ensuring businesses can efficiently reach their target audience.

Google’s John Mueller Debunks Myths Surrounding Redirect Types 

In a recent discussion, Google’s John Mueller addressed some common questions regarding redirect types and stressed the ongoing significance of technical SEO. The encouraging news is that the specific type of redirect used doesn’t matter as long as it is technically correct. Mueller also mentioned that options like 307 and 308 are valid, considering that search engines have dealt with redirects for a long time. However, he did not provide a fixed timeframe for the impact of updating or removing a redirect, leaving SEO professionals in their usual position of uncertainty. Technical SEO remains crucial and is the foundation for everything built on the web.

Experience Lightning-Fast Web Pages with Google’s New Experimental Feature

Google recently unveiled an exciting development in web performance by announcing a new method to optimize JavaScript and enhance webpage responsiveness. This breakthrough can give publishers a significant advantage over their competitors regarding core web vital metrics. By improving webpage performance, publishers can deliver a seamless and efficient user experience, ultimately attracting and retaining more visitors. The trial of this new approach is anticipated to be a game-changer, potentially leading to widespread adoption across various content management platforms and systems. Publishers who embrace this innovation early on will have the opportunity to gain a competitive edge and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Google Updates Flight Search Results: Find Cheaper Fares with Price Insights, Tracking Alerts, and Guarantees

Google has recently unveiled new features and insights on its Google Flights platform to assist users in finding more affordable flights. In an official blog post, Google revealed that search results on Google Flights will now include additional information regarding historical pricing trends. This data will enable users to make informed decisions based on past flight prices. Additionally, Google Flights will now offer price tracking notifications, allowing users to receive alerts when the price of a particular flight changes. This feature ensures users can take advantage of price drops and secure the best possible deal. Furthermore, Google has introduced a price guarantee badge, indicating that the current flight price is lower than usual. These new additions to Google Flights aim to empower users by providing valuable insights and tools to find cheaper flights.

What Google’s Martin Splitt Answers on How Googlebot Handles AI-Generated Content?

Google’s Martin Splitt recently provided insights into how Googlebot’s crawling and rendering adapt to the rise of AI-generated content. According to Splitt, content quality is monitored at various stages to ensure that poor-quality content is not being rendered. If it’s clear that a page contains low-quality content, the rendering process is skipped altogether. However, in cases where an empty page is present, rendering is attempted. While AI might increase the scale of this monitoring, the process itself is nothing new. Regarding rendering, the issue is not with the process but with the content itself.

Google Tests a New Search Snippet Carousel Titled “Mentioned In”

Google is constantly looking for ways to improve its search experience, and it appears that they are now testing a new feature called “mentioned in.” This feature can be seen in the search snippet carousel, located just below the main search result snippet. When expanded, the “mentioned in” section loads a carousel of snippets that display the websites where the current website is mentioned. This can be helpful for users who want to see the context in which a particular website is mentioned and gain more information about its credibility or relevance. By providing this additional information, Google aims to enhance the search experience and give users a more comprehensive understanding of the search results.

Google’s Martin Splitt Says If A Page Is Indexed, Then It Was Rendered By Google (Even Refreshes) 

According to Martin Splitt, a Google Search Relations team member, if Google indexes a page, it means it was rendered. This means that Google’s algorithms have processed the page and its content. In addition, Splitt mentioned that page refreshes are fully caused by Google when they are indexed. He clarified that this applies to all pages except those with obvious issues such as 4xx or 5xx errors. When Google refreshes a page in its index, it ensures it is fully rendered and ready for search results.

Google’s John Mueller Says Location of Words In URLs Does Not Matter For SEO 

According to Google’s John Mueller, the location of words in URLs does not significantly impact SEO. In response to a question, Mueller stated that he couldn’t think of any specific SEO factors where the location of words in URLs would matter. However, he acknowledged that it could be relevant for user experience (UX) and marketing purposes. Users might find it helpful to see relevant keywords such as “service” or “location” in the URL, as it can provide a faster way to identify the content they are looking for. Although search engines do not display URLs prominently, users can view them in the browser bar. From an SEO perspective, URLs are generally seen as identifiers, with only a few exceptions.

Google Experiments with Google Shopping Label on Search Results Snippets

Google is currently experimenting with displaying a Google Shopping logo or label on certain search results that meet the criteria of being a Top Quality Store in their Merchant Center program. This label is prominently placed in the top right section of the site name, appearing above the URL. This new feature gives users additional trust and assurance when browsing and shopping online. By identifying top-quality stores, Google helps users make more informed decisions and encourages businesses to maintain high standards of quality and service.

Social Media Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

Instagram Tests 10-Minute Reels to Offer Longer-Form Video Content

Instagram is testing a new feature allowing users to create long-form video content in its Reels section. This new feature is set to increase the maximum video length from 30 seconds to 10 minutes, giving users more flexibility and creativity in sharing their stories. By extending the video length, Instagram aims to compete with other platforms offering long-form video content, such as YouTube and TikTok. This update lets users engage with their audience more in-depth and showcase their skills and talents. It also opens up new possibilities for influencers and content creators to produce more engaging and informative content.

YouTube Allows Creators to Remove Warnings for Community Guideline Violations

To provide creators with more opportunities to learn and improve their content, YouTube has implemented a new feature that allows users to remove Community Guideline strikes by completing educational training courses. This is a positive step towards promoting a safer and more responsible online community. By completing these courses and demonstrating a commitment to following the guidelines, creators can have their warnings removed after 90 days of no repeat violations. However, it is important to note that YouTube maintains its three-strikes approach, meaning severe or repeated violations could still result in channel termination. This reminds creators to always adhere to the platform’s policies and guidelines to maintain a positive and inclusive user environment.

YouTube’s Todd Sherman Explains How the Shorts Algorithm Works

In a recent interview with Todd Sherman, the product lead for YouTube Shorts, YouTube provided creators with more insights into how the Shorts algorithm functions. The primary objective of both the long-form and Shorts algorithms is to ensure that viewers are connected with videos that they consider valuable. Sherman stressed the importance of focusing on the audience rather than the algorithm, stating that for Shorts, “The audience is the algorithm.” However, due to the distinctive format of short-form content, there are variations in how the algorithm operates for Shorts compared to long-form content. This information aims to assist creators in understanding and optimizing their content for maximum viewer engagement and success on the platform.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.