We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week that you need to know:

Search Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

Google Completes the March 2024 Core Update on April 19

Google completed the March 2024 core update on April 19 after initially announcing it on March 5. The update took approximately 45 days to complete, indicating its complexity and the thoroughness with which Google implemented the changes. As with any major update, the rollout of this core algorithm update may take up to a month to fully impact search results. It is expected that there will be more fluctuations in rankings compared to a regular core update as various systems within Google’s algorithm get fully updated and begin to reinforce each other.

Google Updates Their Googlebot and Crawler Documentation to Add a Range of IPs Addresses

Google made changes to its Googlebot and crawler documentation by including a range of IP addresses. These IP addresses are associated with bots that users of various Google products activate. For publishers who rely on whitelisting Google-controlled IP addresses, this change is significant as it allows them to identify and whitelist these bots accurately. Additionally, this update will also benefit publishers who wish to block scrapers that utilize Google’s cloud services or other crawlers that are not directly affiliated with Google. By providing a comprehensive range of IPs, Google aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its web crawling services while ensuring the security and integrity of publisher content.

Google Updates Their Search Central Favicon Documentation

Google updated its Search Central favicon documentation to improve its clarity and understanding. This revision was made in response to user inquiries regarding favicons and their proper usage. By adding definitions and explanations, Google’s updated documentation effectively addresses any confusion users may have had. Notably, the revised version now includes a clear distinction between the legacy form of favicons and the most recent version. This update proves to be a significant improvement, as it ensures users have a better understanding of how to utilize favicons effectively for their websites.

Google Tests The Snippet Date Next To URL 

Google is constantly testing and updating its search algorithms to improve the user experience. One of the recent tests includes placing the date in the snippet on the same line as the URL rather than before the snippet’s description. This change could potentially provide users with more relevant and up-to-date information right from the search results page. By placing the date next to the URL, users can quickly assess how recent the content is without having to click through to the website. This can be particularly useful when searching for news articles or time-sensitive information. However, it remains to be seen if this change will be implemented permanently, as Google often tests multiple variations before settling on a final design.

Google’s John Mueller Says Splitting & Merging Sites Takes Longer Than Normal Site Migrations

During a conversation on X, John raised a concern regarding the site migration process. He mentioned that it seemed like the site was being split rather than migrated as a whole. He pointed out that splitting and merging processes often take longer than a regular site migration. In response to this, he advised the individual to be patient as there isn’t much that can be done except to allow the process to take its course. John also added that assuming the rest of the migration was executed properly, which he believed to be the case, time was the only factor that could resolve the situation.

Google’s John Mueller Answers a Question About Crawl Budget

During a discussion, Google’s John Mueller was asked about the impact of merchant center crawling, specifically in relation to the crawling budget. Christian Radny posed the question, seeking clarification on whether automatic updates in the merchant center would have any impact on the crawling budget. In response, Mueller acknowledged that merchant center crawling does indeed count towards the crawling budget. He emphasized that this process puts a load on the server, and the ultimate objective is to prevent any potential server overload.

Bing Tests Lock Icon in the Search Results Snippets

Bing is testing a new location for the lock icon in its search snippets. The lock icon, which indicates that a website is secure and uses HTTPS, is being moved from the left of the URL to the right of the URL. This change is aimed at improving the user experience and making it easier for users to identify secure websites. By placing the lock icon next to the URL, Bing ensures that users can quickly determine if a website is secure before clicking on it.

Gary Illyes from Google Says We Have Taken Action On Some Parasite SEO In Recent Update 

During the SERP conference, Gary Illyes said that Google had implemented measures to combat parasite SEO in their latest algorithm update. Parasite SEO refers to the manipulation of search engine rankings by exploiting established and authoritative websites. This unethical tactic involves leveraging the credibility and trust of these websites to boost rankings for low-quality or irrelevant content. By taking action against parasite SEO, Google aims to maintain the integrity and reliability of its search results.

PPC Related News and Updates from Major Search Engine

Google Tests IP Proxies: What This Means & How You May Be Impacted

Google is testing a new privacy measure involving the use of two proxy servers to mask user IP addresses. This system changes a user’s original IP to a new, randomly assigned IP, which is then changed again to a third IP before interacting with websites. This method ensures that users can access internet content without revealing their actual IP addresses, significantly enhancing their privacy online. However, this could complicate how advertisements are targeted. Since advertisers use IP addresses to tailor ads based on user location and preferences, this IP masking could lead to less relevant advertisements and a need for users to frequently re-specify their preferences on websites.

Google and Microsoft Both Reported Ad Revenue Earnings

Both Google and Microsoft reported their ad revenue earnings, and the results were positive for both companies. Google reported a 13% increase in ad revenue, which is a significant growth for the company. This increase can be attributed to the continued success of Google’s advertising platform, as well as the growing popularity of its search engine and other services. On the other hand, Microsoft’s Bing Ads revenue also saw a 12% increase, indicating that their advertising platform is gaining traction in the market. This growth is a positive sign for both companies and shows that their efforts in the advertising space are paying off.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.