We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week you need to know:

Search Related Updates and News from Major Search Engines

John Mueller on Ranking Seasonal Ecommerce Products

In a recent hangout, Google’s John Mueller answered a questions about difficulty in ranking seasonal products in ecommerce websites. He said, sites need to be mindful of how they signal Google what is important. That means some pages will not carry as much weight and can sometimes take a backseat, like seasonal content which needs special treatment so that the search engine understands its importance in order for it rank well on SERPs.

John Mueller Explains The Inconsistency Between Different Search Console Query Reports

In the hangout John explained why page and site level reports can display different numbers from the search console. He said, “on a query-level when you look at the table itself, you might see slightly different numbers than the summary on top. And from our point of view, if you want to look at the individual queries, then the query-level data is definitely useful. But if you want to see the full picture of the impressions to the site, then you kind of want to look at the page-level or the site-level results and use that for tracking the trends and changes over time.”

Google Rolls Out March 2022 Product Review Algorithm Update

Google has announced a third product review algorithm update in search results, which builds off of the previous two updates that were introduced last year. This latest change by Google continues their efforts toward surfacing higher quality reviews for products being advertised online and is probably going to impact ranking across many sites with English language content related specifically about these goods or services they offer Google says this newest roll out will occur over several weeks.

Google Says, Alt Text Is Only A Factor for Image Search

Google’s search advocate John Mueller stated that Alt Text is a ranking factor for image search, only. It doesn’t add any value to the regular search. It’s recommended that you add alt attributes to images so they are more accessible and easier for visitors who rely on screen readers. For SEO, it is recommended only when you are trying to rank an image.

PPC Updates And News

Google Introduces New Related Search Feature for AdSense

The addition of the Related Search For Content feature is something worth considering whether you’re new to monetizing your website content, or are an existing user of AdSense. The additional benefits include more engagement and incremental revenue that will make it easier for growth with user experience in mind!

Google Launches New Vehicle Ads Format

Google is looking to take vehicle advertising into a new direction. The company has created an ad unit for dealerships that shows vehicles nearby when someone searches “car sales.”

The user is taken to the description page on a dealer’s website where they can find contact information for that specific dealership.

Twitter Lets Users Find Messages By Keyword Using DM Search

With the update to Twitter DM search, you can now find just what your looking for in no time. With this convenient and easy feature available on both Android and iOS mobile apps as well web browsers it will be easier than ever before!

YouTube To Launch Five New Features for Livestreams in 2022

YouTube has announced five new features for livestreams. Some of features are currently in testing and others will roll out later in 2022. These features are:

  • Cross-channel live redirects
  • Go Live Together
  • Live rings
  • Live Q & A
  • Uninterrupted split screen reviewing

Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.