We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week you need to know:

Search Related Updates And News From Major Search Engines

The Name “Google Webmasters Central” Changing To “Google Search Central” 

aArecent study has come with the fact that most of the web professionals these days prefer to introduce themselves as ‘search engine optimizers’ or ‘online marketers’ instead of ‘webmasters’. Now, to focus more on the Google search, the name “Google Webmasters Central” is getting replaced by “Google Search Central” both on their websites and social media. These changes will show up in the next 2 days. Other than this, Google is also consolidating their help blogs and documentation to one site so that the users can easily boost the visibility of their websites on the Google search page. Well, this is not all the world will be getting served with as the Googlebot mascot is also getting an upgrade along with the above-mentioned changes.

Core Web Vitals Becoming Ranking Signals In May 2021-Google Confirms! 

The recent announcement by Google is that now the core web vitals will turn to ranking signals in May next year (2021). This update by Google will also include UX related signals. Now, page experience signal will also unite core web vitals with mobile-friendliness, HTTPS security, safe browsing, and Intrusive interstitial guidelines. These core web vitals are introduced with the intention to determine the user experience for speed, and visual stability together with the responsiveness of the web page.       

YouTube Comes Up With Something New On Its Algorithm

YouTube has recently revealed new details about how different factors affect its video recommendation algorithm. According to YouTube, the video recommendations change as per the factors like watch time, clicks, content freshness, likes, video comments, dislikes, and also the upload frequency. But, they need to check whether the external web traffic affects video recommendations or not. But, they need to check whether the external web traffic affects video recommendations or not.  Along with this, the other points that the experts will be checking on is that if the underperforming YouTube videos will have an effect on the recommendation possibilities of other videos that will be uploaded in the future. 

Health And Safety Data Is Now Live On Google

Google recently revealed that health and safety data is now live on Google travel hotel results. Google says that due to the pandemic situation around the world, a lot of vacation rentals and hotels are taking the best possible measures to get certain about the safety of visitors. Now, when people will search for accommodation for vacations or look for a specific hotel on Google, they will see the information regarding the health and safety measures that are being taken by the hotels and vacation homes. 


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.