We hope you are in good health. Here are some of the major SEO news updates of the week you need to know:

Search Related Updates and News from Major Search Engines

Googles John Muller Discusses How to Hide Your Website From the Search Results!

Google says one of the best ways to hide a website from search results is with a password, but there are other options for you to consider. This subject was spotlighted in the latest instalment of the Ask Googlebot video series on YouTube, where John Mueller responds to questions about how websites may prevent content getting indexed by Google and whether that’s something they’re allowed to do as well – “In short, yes!”.

Google Denies Showing Rich Results For Reviews That are Republished From Other Sources

Google won’t display enhanced search results for republished customer reviews from other sources, even if they have valid structured data markup.

To show review snippets in your company’s product pages and appear on the first page of Google searches, you need to submit them directly into their website or app instead of taking them elsewhere and publishing them onto your site, which will disqualify those reviewed content pieces from appearing as rich result categories. This topic was discussed recently during an office hours hangout recorded by Search Central SEO team members who recommend using special tags.

John Mullers From Google Explains the Best Length in Title Tag For Seo

In the latest Google SEO hangout, Google’s John Mueller answered a question about what makes for an ideal title tag length. The person asking was concerned because many of their own were well over 65 characters long, and he wanted to make sure that he had enough space on his site for ranking purposes – which is why it’s important not only how much text you include but also where keywords are placed within those lines!

Core Updates by Google Likely to be Released by Thanksgiving

As you are probably aware, Google Search results have been volatile lately. This might be the tail-end of their November 2021 update that is currently being rolled out and has caused fluctuations in traffic to occur since Black Friday shopping began today or tomorrow, depending on where you live! As usual, with these big updates, it usually takes 1-2 weeks for them all to go live, so there’s no guarantee this tremor means anything just yet.

Google Has Another Bug and This Time  its in the Search Console

Google has a new bug, this time with Google Search Console’s crawl stats report. Google’s John Mueller confirmed that there was a bug in Google Search Console with the crawl stats report. The data from November 19th and 20th is missing, and reports are that they are working to fix it soon!

Crawling Bug Confirmed by Google But Say no Adverse Effects on Businesses

Google’s John Mueller confirmed an issue with Google crawlers slowing down and getting stuck, specifically mentioning caching for some sites. He said it had been fixed “a while” ago and added that it didn’t cause a widespread problem or negatively harm businesses. When asked if they’re aware of any other issues arising from these bugs within their system, he replied: “No particular ones come up” without providing any additional context.

Google to Test a Feature Related to Search Images on Mobile

Google is testing a new feature on its image search that allows users to see images similar to the one they are viewing.  The idea of this feature is for people who are looking for more relevant content while browsing online.  Google has been testing this new feature with small groups over the last few months but has not yet said when it will be available on all web browsers worldwide.

After a Wait of Several Months, Bing Finally Launches its New Lightbulb Search Results Feature

After months of testing variations on what Microsoft Bing is calling “Page insights,” it has finally launched. This lightbulb and page explorer tool is now available to play with! You can look at the new features on various websites, but one thing for you to know is that the new feature is currently available only for desktop users.

PPC Related Updates And News

Google Ads Has Three Fresh Features Just For You!

The Google Ads app is a new mobile platform that has been designed to emulate the desktop experience. With this update, marketers will be able to monitor their campaign changes and see more explanations for those same alterations and real-time search trends and create entire campaigns from scratch on their phones! Here’s what you need to know about each feature.

 Adsense Matched Content to be Shut Down by Google in March 2022

Google announced that it is shutting down the AdSense Matched content ad unit types beginning on March 1, 2022. This was due to “decreasing usage of promotion service” and positive customer feedback from Ads-Only format with results showing an increase in performance for advertisers as well!


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.