Google has announced a number of improvements in the AdSense reporting features. At the same time, the search engine giant has revealed the findings of a new research highlighting the benefits of ‘smart pricing. The research highlights the fact that publishers make more money with “smart pricing”. This happens even if their earning per-click is discounted as compared with search ads.

Improvements to AdSense reporting features

The first enhancement is the ability to ‘View all-time reports’. This means that publishers can view all earnings, impressions, and clicks that happened in their account. This is a feature revived from the earlier AdSense interface.

Adsense publishers

Another improvement is the ability to ‘Quickly access reports from the My ads tab’. By this feature, Google allows for easy access to the reporting information. As Google says “When viewing your ad units, custom channels, or URL channels on the My ads tab, just click ‘View report’ below a specific line item to view performance data for that particular ad unit or channel.”

Adsense publishers

The next improvement is the one which allows publishers to ‘Download CSVs in the correct local formatting’. This means that the exporting of reports can now be done on the basis of the publisher’s language preference. Publishers will now see the numbers in the manner they are shown in their language. As Google said, “As you may know, an amount written as $1,000.00 in the US or UK would be written as $1.000,00 in most of Europe and South America. Previously, only the $1,000.00 format was available for downloadable reports.”

New Research: “smart pricing” really is better for publishers

Google also brought to light a new research showing that “smart pricing” is better for advertisers as well as for publishers. Now Google “applies Smart Pricing (SP) to appropriately discount advertiser bids on the Google Display Network.” 

It is known that a well-executed system like smart pricing enhances advertiser value. This leads to them being more likely to bid higher overall. This in turn will create more revenue for Google and the publisher. As the research announcement said, “The main implication of this analysis is good news for networks and publishers alike – under reasonable conditions Smart Pricing, and its non-Google analogs, can significantly grow the pie,”

What do you think of smart pricing? Do share your views.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.