Bing Ads has added two new features for updating bids and optimizing keywords. You can now view estimated bid suggestions in the web user interface and how to adjust those bids to meet your performance goals. Secondly, you can also get additional keyword delivery status insights for better optimization.

Inline Bids Suggestions:

This feature gives you an estimate of how much you have to bid for your ad so that it shows up on the front page, mainline, and best position.

Bing Adds Two New Features to Bing Ads: Inline Bids Suggestions in Web UI and Keyword Delivery Status Insight

  • Click on the Keywords tab on the Campaigns page
  • Select the Columns icon to customize the insights you want to see in your keywords grid.
  • Add these three bid estimation columns
  • Click on OK

The estimated bids to reach each of these columns will be located in the keywords grid. You can not only see the estimated bid suggestions for a specific keyword in the keywords grid, but also learn how to best change the bid. You can click on the icon under your Current bid value to immediately see its Bid Landscape.

Bing Adds Two New Features to Bing Ads: Inline Bids Suggestions in Web UI and Keyword Delivery Status Insight

Keyword Delivery Status Insight

To help you identify keywords that don’t draw enough search volume or have low quality score, two new delivery statuses have been added. These are Low Search Volume and Low Quality Score.

Bing Adds Two New Features to Bing Ads: Inline Bids Suggestions in Web UI and Keyword Delivery Status Insight

This will give you more insight into the delivery status of your keywords and help you decide the optimization approach which is right for you.

Bing Adds Two New Features to Bing Ads: Inline Bids Suggestions in Web UI and Keyword Delivery Status Insight

Bing says, to find keywords with a low search volume, you should look into its match type. For example, if it is Exact Match, you can change it to Broad Match or Phrase Match.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.