If you are a Bing user and haven’t noticed yet, the search engine is testing a number of new interfaces for displaying search results. We find the new interface similar to Google though.

Currently, the design has a solid black top bar with the navigation tucked away there, it is then followed by the search box and finally search results are displayed. With various interfaces being tested the new design moves the navigation bar down.

Here’s the interface at present:

Bing Testing New Search Results Design, Moves Top Navigation Below the Search Box

One of the interface being tested is moving the top navigation below the search box. Bing is also using yellow lines above or on the left side of the navigation menus and/or gray arrows integrated with the top box above.

Bing Testing New Search Results Design, Moves Top Navigation Below the Search Box

Bing Testing New Search Results Design, Moves Top Navigation Below the Search BoxBing Testing New Search Results Design, Moves Top Navigation Below the Search Box

(Image source: Shutterstock.com)


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.