Google has announced a five days Search Conference for Indian Language Publishers. The even will take place in July and focus on publishers who publish websites in Indian languages.
The day long conference will be organized in five cities and members from Google Search Quality team will talk about different relevant topics like how Search works, tips for better visibility of Indian language websites in Google Search, best practices for mobile-friendly websites, Google’s Search quality guidelines and more. All presentations will be delivered in Hindi.
There will be an additional Guest Sessions by the AdSense team that will throw light on their policies and how to run effective AdSense in Hindi on your sites and common mistakes to avoid.
Here’s the schedule:
New Delhi on July 5 (Wednesday)
Jaipur on July 7 (Friday)
Bhopal on July 10 (Monday)
Ranchi on July 12 (Wednesday)
Lucknow on July 14 (Friday)
Google says, “Our goal with this conference is to help the Indian language publishers make their online content more accessible and useful by making their sites search and mobile friendly.”
This is an invitation only event. You may register here. Be informed that filling out the registration form doesn’t guarantee you a space.