Gary Illyes form Google has tweeted his advice on mobile-first ready.

Gary tweeted: “Wanna prepare for the mobile first index? Go to your or your clients’ mobile sites and look for noindex directives and n1 redirects”

Mobile-first will launch some time next year, it’s never too early to get ready for it. For a site which has separate mobile and desktop pages, it’s important to ensure both are indexed. Noindex tag prevents web page from being indexed.

There are instances when noindex should be used, like the pages on your website that you don’t want to be found by search engines. When you count goal completion based on the number of people that land on the thank you page, it’s adviced to use a noindex tag avoid false goal completions.

N1 redirects are the faulty redirects that redirect the visitor to the page they didn’t intern to visit. It happens when the sites has both desktop and mobile pages. Site owners redirect all mobile traffic to the mobile home page. Website owners, ideally, should redirect the visitor to the mobile visitor to the equivalent mobile web page to improve user experience. This will also help mobile content to get indexed when the mobile-first index rolls out.


Ritu from PageTraffic is a qualified Google Ads Professional and Content Head at PageTraffic. She has been the spear head for many successful Search Marketing Campaigns and currently oversees Content Marketing operations of PageTraffic in India.