In the month of May this year, Google introduced Rich Snippets that made it possible to show structured data from the Google search results pages. There is no doubt that the structured data makes the web better, so the team has now expanded the Rich Snippets to more search results. It will also pay importance to the feedback received during the process.
In case your site has review or social networking site, it will now be easier for you to mark up the content using RDFa or microformats. This will make it easier for Google to understand the content and generate useful Rich Snippets.
The Official Google Webmaster Blog is giving a few tips that will help you in marking up the content.
Testing Tool:
With this tool, you will be able to figure out what Google is able to extract as well as see the preview of RDFa or microformats market-up pages for Google search results. You can also test your URLs on the Rich Snippets Testing Tool.

Better Documentation:
A new sections of Tips & Tricks and Frequently Asked Questions has been added to the documentation feature. Google team has responded to the common confusing points and provided instructions on how to increase the chances of getting Rich Snippets.
You can now mark up the content to the videos on your page that will help Google in finding those videos.
Extended RDFa Support:
Alongwith the person RDFa format, the support for corresponding fields from FOAF and vCard vocabularies has also been added for those who asked for it.
Google Custom Search:
If you want to test the markup usable on your Custom search engine, you can use the Rich Snippet Testing Tool.
It is true that marking up content does not guarantee of Rich Snippets being shown on your site. The Google team is continuously making efforts to expand this feature so that better user experience in delivered when Rich Snippets are displayed in search engine results.