Here we come again with our list of this week’s best articles on digital marketing that we found across the Internet. These have been categorized into content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, email marketing and link building. Take a look at them and we are sure you will love going through them.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Articles of this Week: 28th February 2020!

Content Marketing

Why Your Marketing Campaigns Must be Centered on Content Going Forward

According to Campaign US, one of the best ways for creating strong relationships with your customers is through your content. It suggests that instead of focusing on sales, businesses should need to focus on to build and reinforce relationships with potential customers. In the new normal, people are relying on search engine results for brands to conduct business with, so at this time, your content is one surefire way of getting your brand on top of that list.  Read this post by James Jorner to know why your marketing campaign must be centered on content going forward.

Activating Empathy: How to Manage It, Measure It, and Market With It

Producing empathetic content is vital to promote your business nowadays successfully. It refers to the idea of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. The first step is to understand your audience and what makes them tick and what drives them to need your product or service. Check out this post by Gina Balarin to know the reasons and steps for creating empathy content.


12 Top B2B SEO Trends & Predictions for 2021

Search Engine Optimization evolves each year. New market trends and latest technology, in a lot of ways, influence this marketing strategy. In this year, you can see an advance in search engines understanding queries better and the content on the page, i.e. BERT (bidirectional encoder representations from transformers) is now used in all queries. In this post, Lane Ellis talks about the top B2B SEO trends and prediction for 2021.

How to do powerful SEO when using a website builder?

You know that creating a website used to be a lot more complicated. It required a lot of time and effort and extensive knowledge in coding. If you don’t have sufficient skills to improve the technical aspects needed for good SEO, a website builder will be the easiest and optimum way to rank well. Read this post written by Jake Hughes to know some tips and ideas on how to do powerful SEO when using a website builder.

26 Top YouTube SEO Tools to Boost Your Reach and Rankings

Video is the best performing content type on all social platforms. Nothing helps YouTube optimization quite as much as the audience’s genuine interest in the topics you cover. Tool up with TubeBuddy, a browser extension which eases channel maintenance, and lends a helping hand with things like titles, descriptions, tags, annotations, cards and more. To know more about YouTube SEO tools that can help to boost your reach and rankings, read out this post.

Social Media Marketing

How to Win at Social Media Marketing in 2021

Social media has proven itself to be a valuable channel for marketers to reach and convert customers. You should tailor your social media marketing content to fit the ways people spend time on their mobile devices.  Animation studio Frantic stated that “social media videos are around 1200% more widely-shared” than text or image-based posts, so not devising a video element to your social media marketing efforts in 2021 will be a serious own goal. Read this post by Ivan Widjaya that shares some information which can help you to create the best social media marketing strategies.  

Growing Your Social Media Audience

No matter what your niche is, your business must have a social media presence. The more people you reach online, the better your chances are to engage them and grow your business. To make social media work for your business, you must increase your audience and stand out across social media platforms. The first step of your social media strategy should be to determine your target audience and post the right content. In this post, Elizabeth Arens highlights some ways which can help you to grow your social media audience.

Email Marketing

5 Top-notch Ideas for Your Next Email Marketing Campaign

Digital marketers know the power of email marketing to deliver results at lower costs than most other channels. Build your database to collect the best leads with the most relevance and the highest probability for your services. According to researchers, the best time to shoot a mail is either the morning hours or the late evening when people are off work. Read out this post by Chris Donald that talks about some best ideas for creating an email marketing campaign.

5 Best MailChimp Alternatives to Consider for Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Are you looking for a MailChimp alternative? Then you can consider Constant Contact, which is the best email marketing service for small businesses and non-profits. They allow you to create professional email newsletters with an easy to use drag and drop editor, in just a few minutes. You can also consider MailJet; they have tracking tools, email templates, and automation. Check out this post by Alejandro Brega to get to know about the best MailChimp alternatives for your email marketing campaign.

Link Building

When (and When Not) to Outsource Link Building

Link building has been a best practice of SEO for many years. There are some things you need to consider when is outsourcing right for you. You should hire an experienced link builder when you don’t have the time or resources to set up a decent link building process for your website. For more information, read this post by Alexandra Tachalova to know some reasons when and when not to outsource link building.


Navneet Kaushal is the Editor-in-Chief of PageTraffic Buzz. A leading search strategist, Navneet helps clients maintain an edge in search engines and the online media. Navneet is also the CEO of SEO Services company PageTraffic which is one of the leading search marketing company in Asia.